Computer InputOuput Devices - GCE A level Cameroon Lesson

II.3 Plotters

A plotter is a pen-based output device that is attached to a computer for making vector graphics, that is, images created by a series of many straight lines. It is used to draw high-resolution charts, graphs, blueprints, maps, circuit diagrams and other line-based diagrams. It is similar to a printer, but it draws lines using a pen. Plotters are relatively expensive as compared to printers, but can produce more printouts than standard printers. They are mainly used for computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) applications such as printing out plans for houses or car parts.

II.4 Computer Output Microfilm

Computer output microfilm (COM) is an extremely high-speed, low-cost process, which records computer-generated information directly from the computer tape or cartridge to a miniaturized microfilm media. The microfilm product is in fiche or roll format, which can be duplicated rapidly and inexpensively. This process can produce data in microfilm form at a highly significant speed from that of a paper printer. COM results in material, space and equipment savings along with mailing costs and information retrieval savings. In addition, hard copy prints can be made without loss of detail, when compared with the original document. The main disadvantage, however, is that it is expensive to install COM and microfilms cannot be read without the assistance of a special reader device.

Printers – Output devices Computer science topic GCE A level.

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